allee | miami+nyc
allee š“‚ƒ is one of the top Sport/Fitness influencer with 20050 audience and 3.55% engagement rate on Instagram. Check out the full profile and start to collaborate.
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I like to think that we respond to yoga similar to how the body responds to an injury -we heal starting from the outside, the ā€˜edgesā€™, and work our way in.
Donā€™t you think?

We start with the easy things to shift - the ease of bending down to pick something up, a newfound ability to sit up straight, a sense of calm - 
and then we gets to the tricky stuff - the body parts that donā€™t want to open, the rigid patterns of the mind, and finally our sense of ā€˜selfā€™ and what our place is in this life.

We donā€™t have to force these changes or progressions, with time they simply occur. You can think of it like the ocean ? eroding rocky shore, at first the change is small, not easily visible, but eventually the entire shoreline looks different.

I didnā€™t practice this #dhanurasana #bowpose between these two photos, aside from checking to see if I could do it every once in a while. ? I remember thinking it was one of the most beautiful, graceful, open-hearted postures. And like the rocky shore, my body (and heart) changed through the disciplines and pressures of practice to support the opening required. ?

Hendry @hesguru and I teach yoga classes every Thursday (tomorrow) + Monday at 7:15am EST (75m).

Practicing in the morning is one of the most potent ways to begin your day. See you over the Zoom screen. ?ā˜€ļø 
Type 772 323 9689 in Zoom or click link in bio to join - no password necessary.

I like to think that we respond to yoga similar to how the body r Read More

Do you fight with your significant other about meaningless stuff? Read More

All strength is born from softness?āš”ļø

We drive down to Homestead, FL (just below Miami) quite often because they grow tropical fruits there. It is actually one of the only places in the US where pretty much of the farms grow many different fruits and veggies on the same land. They also donā€™t grow many ā€˜big agriculturalā€™ fruits/ veggies and instead grow lots of more ā€˜rareā€™ and harder to grow tropical fruits. The biodiversity on these farms makes them extremely lush and the food nutrient rich.

Hendry parents love farming. They have a huge garden at their house where they grow pretty much all their fruits and vegetables. They freeze the excess to eat throughout winter. When we visited a week ago, they were building a garden at his sisterā€™s house as well.

His mom told us that if you want a garden to be successful, you have to grow a lot of stuff.

If you grow just one or two different things there isnā€™t enough biodiversity, the plants donā€™t get enough nutrients, the soil gets depleted and it just doesnā€™t work that well.

In the US and around the world, we donā€™t often grow a lot of different stuff.  We will grow fields and fields of corn, soybeans, cotton etc. then use fertilizer and lots of pesticides to make it work.

And even on a more philosophical level, we really need diversity in order to find success, to grow, to prosper - individually and in our communities.

When we look at what is happening between Israel and Palestine, it is clear that the way forward, the way to prosperity is through acceptance of diversity. How can these two groups co-exist on the same land?

In our yoga practice, weā€™re always trying to embrace the diversity within ourself.
The diversity of our thoughts, emotions, tendencies, masculine and feminine aspects. Spiritual success cannot come from trying to suppress the less positive, embarrassing, shameful, sexual, imperfectā€¦

How can we embrace exactly who and how we are so that it can create the fertile ground for us to grow from?
We drive down to Homestead, FL (just below Miami) quite often because they grow tropical fruits there. It is actually one of the only places in the US where pretty much of the farms grow many different fruits and veggies on the same land. They also donā€™t grow many ā€˜big agriculturalā€™ fruits/ veggies and instead grow lots of more ā€˜rareā€™ and harder to grow tropical fruits. The biodiversity on these farms makes them extremely lush and the food nutrient rich.

Hendry parents love farming. They have a huge garden at their house where they grow pretty much all their fruits and vegetables. They freeze the excess to eat throughout winter. When we visited a week ago, they were building a garden at his sisterā€™s house as well.

His mom told us that if you want a garden to be successful, you have to grow a lot of stuff.

If you grow just one or two different things there isnā€™t enough biodiversity, the plants donā€™t get enough nutrients, the soil gets depleted and it just doesnā€™t work that well.

In the US and around the world, we donā€™t often grow a lot of different stuff.  We will grow fields and fields of corn, soybeans, cotton etc. then use fertilizer and lots of pesticides to make it work.

And even on a more philosophical level, we really need diversity in order to find success, to grow, to prosper - individually and in our communities.

When we look at what is happening between Israel and Palestine, it is clear that the way forward, the way to prosperity is through acceptance of diversity. How can these two groups co-exist on the same land?

In our yoga practice, weā€™re always trying to embrace the diversity within ourself.
The diversity of our thoughts, emotions, tendencies, masculine and feminine aspects. Spiritual success cannot come from trying to suppress the less positive, embarrassing, shameful, sexual, imperfectā€¦

How can we embrace exactly who and how we are so that it can create the fertile ground for us to grow from?

We drive down to Homestead, FL (just below Miami) quite often bec Read More

Jumping through to a seat, two ways!!! Which one do you prefer? Read More

The quality of challenge forces us to be present. The work of our Read More

how to find local + rare tropical fruits?!
?? ? ?
Iā€™ve gotten so many Qs about this so I finally wrote up a blogpost on where weā€™re shopping in South Florida. Click the link in bio to read. I even left a few tips for getting fruit shipped/finding it in nyc.

Eating abundant fruit has honestly changed my life! My energy levels āš”ļøare higher than ever, digestion on point and my skin is (finally) clear + glowy. āœØ I feel so lit up and inspired to share this lifestyle with you all.
how to find local + rare tropical fruits?!
?? ? ?
Iā€™ve gotten so many Qs about this so I finally wrote up a blogpost on where weā€™re shopping in South Florida. Click the link in bio to read. I even left a few tips for getting fruit shipped/finding it in nyc.

Eating abundant fruit has honestly changed my life! My energy levels āš”ļøare higher than ever, digestion on point and my skin is (finally) clear + glowy. āœØ I feel so lit up and inspired to share this lifestyle with you all.
how to find local + rare tropical fruits?!
?? ? ?
Iā€™ve gotten so many Qs about this so I finally wrote up a blogpost on where weā€™re shopping in South Florida. Click the link in bio to read. I even left a few tips for getting fruit shipped/finding it in nyc.

Eating abundant fruit has honestly changed my life! My energy levels āš”ļøare higher than ever, digestion on point and my skin is (finally) clear + glowy. āœØ I feel so lit up and inspired to share this lifestyle with you all.
how to find local + rare tropical fruits?!
?? ? ?
Iā€™ve gotten so many Qs about this so I finally wrote up a blogpost on where weā€™re shopping in South Florida. Click the link in bio to read. I even left a few tips for getting fruit shipped/finding it in nyc.

Eating abundant fruit has honestly changed my life! My energy levels āš”ļøare higher than ever, digestion on point and my skin is (finally) clear + glowy. āœØ I feel so lit up and inspired to share this lifestyle with you all.
how to find local + rare tropical fruits?!
?? ? ?
Iā€™ve gotten so many Qs about this so I finally wrote up a blogpost on where weā€™re shopping in South Florida. Click the link in bio to read. I even left a few tips for getting fruit shipped/finding it in nyc.

Eating abundant fruit has honestly changed my life! My energy levels āš”ļøare higher than ever, digestion on point and my skin is (finally) clear + glowy. āœØ I feel so lit up and inspired to share this lifestyle with you all.
how to find local + rare tropical fruits?!
?? ? ?
Iā€™ve gotten so many Qs about this so I finally wrote up a blogpost on where weā€™re shopping in South Florida. Click the link in bio to read. I even left a few tips for getting fruit shipped/finding it in nyc.

Eating abundant fruit has honestly changed my life! My energy levels āš”ļøare higher than ever, digestion on point and my skin is (finally) clear + glowy. āœØ I feel so lit up and inspired to share this lifestyle with you all.

how to find local + rare tropical fruits?! ?? ? ? Iā€™ve gotten s Read More

Earlier this week a few of the fingers on my left hand got cut/burned open in an elevator/ dog leash incident.

Itā€™s interesting because @hesguru and I have been discussing how cultivating a healthy body makes it easier to access that aspect of our self which is unchanging, that which is beyond the body.  Our body is the tool, the vehicle weā€™ve been given in this lifetime. When weā€™re feeling good it is easier for the mind to relax so that we can go deeper. It is one reason why there is so much emphasis on the body and breath in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.

Each time we are able to have a direct experience of the Self as limitless, boundless, unbreakable, we begin to create a Smriti, a memory, an impression on our mind. This memory stays with us. Each time we experience ourselves fully, the memory grows stronger. We remember more details, it is more vivid. It becomes easier to identify ourselves with this aspect that is unchanging.

That way when shit hits the fan, when things go wrong, when the body is inevitably not healthy, we can go back to the memory and use it the bring ourselves back there. Weā€™ve practiced in good times to prepare ourselves for the times when it will be harderā€¦

So there I am sitting in the a room in the med center waiting for the doctor and I can feel myself panicking a bit. I close my eyes and began to breathe slower, counting the breath and holding at the top. I stop any thoughts blaming others (the dog, the elevator, the bad leashā€¦) in their tracks. I remember that everything is always fine and always passes. I feel myself calm down.

Itā€™s interesting because after the fact I got some paperwork showing that my heart rate was super high when I first arrived. I intuitively knew I needed to calm myself down and the practices gave me a tool (breath control) to bring myself back. 
Practice is like that. It gives us tools that we can always access, that become a part of us.

Earlier this week a few of the fingers on my left hand got cut/bu Read More

No matter where you are right now, you can HEAL! You can turn it Read More
