5 Steps To Start Your Career As Beauty Influencer
You may possibly have noticed that the beauty topic sits high on the list of people along with health and wellness. And this is not something we can hide that we want to stay looking young and beautiful as well as being healthy.
We can say that beauty influencers shaped influencer marketing and quickly adapting to the latest influencer marketing trends.
If you are one of the people who saw themselves in the beauty field, more specifically if you want to be the one who will be the inspiration to the people, you are in the right place.
Following these steps, you can start a beauty influencer career from scratch and rock it. Let’s get to work, here are your tips.
Make Your “Content King”

Nobody expects you to be the genius of makeup or skincare guru from the first time but eventually, you will feel the need of it. If you want your audience to take you seriously you need to know the basic science behind skincare or the different ingredients that affect hair and skin.
How can I make my hair grow faster? How to clean makeup brushes? What should my skincare routine be? How to get rid of undereye circles? How can I make my nails stronger?
All the answers are a click away from you. Spend most of your time on researching then present it to your followers in a glamorous way. However, if you want to take up the limit you may take lessons, beauty conventions and even seminars, they will keep you up to date with the latest trends. Pay attention to new research and technology in the beauty industry as well.
Being a beauty influencer is not just about looking stylish every time. It’s also about having excellent product and industry knowledge and staying updated with launches, beauty hacks, and latest hair and makeup trends. To become a successful influencer, you need to understand the tricks of marketing and get a grasp of social media platforms.
Choose Your Niche

We all may agree that beauty is a broad topic and it is merely possible that one person could know every aspect of it. Having an overall knowledge is perfect but it is better to put your efforts into the aspect you are focused on.
You may want to sell some beauty products to earn extra money but if you focus your energy on skincare, haircare, or even narrower topics your audience will see you as the guru in that particular topic.
You need to know that beauty influencers with a niche audience are the ones cosmetic and fashion brands lookout for product promotion.
Develop Your Social Media Accounts
One of the most important questions is how will you reach your followers? For that question, you need to develop strong social media platforms.
Taking this part seriously is vital because if you want to make money out of it you have to work this as a business. First, sell yourself then sell your products and services.
Don’t limit yourself with Instagram. Spread your wings. You need to make yourself seen, useful, engaged, active, persistent, approachable and available. Your content should reflect your customer’s desires, and ease your conscience. Use your listening skills to give your buyers the content that they ask for.
Making yourself is a brand is a game-changing act. The color you choose, style, content etc. will make people think that you are special.
Make your content engaging and shareable. Encourage your followers to share your helpful tips. Additionally, hashtags will clear the clouds for you, they will help you categorize your posts and the right hashtags can instantly gain you more followers. A lot of beauty companies looking to collaborate with micro-influencers and most of the time they use #discoverunder10k. Imagine how this could help you.
One more thing, using obvious #beauty,#makeup hashtags may not be helpful anymore. Instead of them, you can use hashtags such as #organic, #instamakeup, #skincarejunkie, #IGskincare. They will help your audience find you based on their specific interest rather than simply scrolling on Instagram.
Which social media giant you choose doesn’t matter unless you mix up your post with facts, latest trends, product pics etc. Don’t forget the more platforms, the more people. Sharing daily posts, keeping yourself active will make you seem that you’ve committed yourself to this niche and because you take this job seriously, you are the person who deserves to be followed.
Stand Out Instead of Blending in

There are millions of people out there who claim to be a beauty influencer who had a vision in this sector. Then what makes you different from these people? Why are you special? Then use your brain to get creative, set yourself apart from the competitors. If the idea you want to try is used before then let me remind you a phrase Pablo Picasso stole once “ Amateurs borrow, professionals steal”.
Your uniqueness, relatable and doable tips and tricks, topical and trendy content, engaging and diversified topics, and regular flow of information are the things which distinguish you from the others.
Promote Your Brand
You may say “Oh Gee, I don’t have a brand”, my dear, you are a brand. Promote yourself religiously.
Don’t sacrifice your dignity for a handful of followers, always stay on people’s good graces. If your audience recognizes you they will recognize everything you do; good, bad, and ugly.
Start to Influence Now
What time is better than now? Now you know how to become a beauty influencer so what are you waiting for? Roll up your sleeves and get busy.