3 Ways to Streamline Real Estate Back-Office Processes

It takes more than pure talent for a real estate agent to realize their full potential. To maximize their career possibilities in the industry, both seasoned and up-and-coming agents need the support of a competent back office. This is one of the key features that your real estate company can highlight in recruiting ads that target talented real estate professionals. These driven individuals are always looking for a team that can keep up with them and support their professional growth. If you can market and maintain the image of efficiency, your agency will certainly get their attention. 

Real Estate Sales Process | Complete Steps and Guidelines | Pipedrive

How Digitalization Is Changing the Back Office of Real Estate Agencies

In the digital age, streamlining your real estate agency’s back-office processes necessitates the use of modern tools such as Lone Wolf broker software. This suite of programs can simplify and automate menial tasks in the back office, allowing staff members to focus on activities that require human judgment. This can then directly impact the business relationships fostered by real estate companies.

lone wolf technologies

Ultimately, having these tools in your arsenal gives your office the means to offer more accurate, timely services and better customer experiences. These are key advantages if you’re aiming to attract more clients and talented agents. To get you started, here are some of the ways you can use dedicated digital solutions to streamline your agency’s back-office processes:

Digitalize Time-Consuming Data Entry Processes

It’s no secret that real estate transactions generate a lot of paperwork. Agencies must be able to collect, maintain, and update client data, property valuation statements, legal documents, and other information at any given time. On top of these, they’re also busy importing their databases into computers and the cloud so that they can retrieve and use information in a snap. In the past, agencies relied on data entry services to get this job done. However, this method required significant time and energy. 

Today, data entry is a task that can be relegated to software. Through the years, it has been proven that computers can accurately digitalize information much more quickly and cheaply compared to humans. With data entry software, a modern real estate agency can delegate its manpower to more nuanced tasks without sacrificing the accuracy and timeliness of its digital data. 

What Is Digital Data? | Egnyte

Consolidate Online Communication Efforts

Real estate is a people-oriented industry that requires agents and businesses to build business relationships with property owners, potential buyers, and renters, among other individuals and organizations. Now, each of these contacts has a different preferred channel of communication. To receive timely responses, real estate agencies should ideally use these platforms. Unfortunately, using different communication channels can be a confusing and time-consuming task. It’s not unusual for people to overlook messages, send conflicting statements, or forget to follow up when they’re trying to keep up with too many contacts. 

Customer relationship management (CRM) software can help you overcome these issues. With this tool, you can easily keep detailed profiles of all your agency’s contacts. It can also keep and update all your communication efforts, so that any of your staff can pick up where the other members of the team have left off. This simply means that a CRM can enable your team to reach out and respond to all your contacts in a more consistent manner with little effort. As a bonus, a CRM can also be used to schedule meetings between the agency and the people and organizations that it works with. 

12 Best Sales CRM Software Of 2023

Maximize the Benefits of Analysis and Forecasting

The large volume of data that real estate companies deal with on a regular basis can be used to make informed business decisions. Fortunately, many back-office programs that real estate agencies use have the ability to instantly collect information and show how these data points are connected. These insights can then help the company’s decision-makers predict the direction the market is heading and make choices that will most benefit the company.

In addition to forecasting the movements of the market, back-office programs can be used to analyze how a company and its teams are performing. Gaining insight into the team’s performance can help managers see which aspects of their internal processes can still be streamlined or delegated to digital tools. This can be of significant assistance in case the team wants to cut overhead costs, improve the efficiency of its system, or introduce new technologies in areas where they can have the highest level of impact. 

Measuring Forecast Accuracy: The Complete Guide | RELEX Solutions

Acquiring new technologies for your real estate company requires a monetary investment, but it’s a necessary cost especially now that your competitors are doing the same. Integrating smart solutions into your agency’s everyday processes will enable you to keep up with other real estate agents. Beyond this, it will also ease the burden on your back office and give them the resources they need to improve the level of service that your agents and clients can expect from your business. 

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4 Benefits of Having Your SEO Professionally Done

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an activity that every business that’s striving to be successful in the digital age should undertake. By improving the quality and quantity of the traffic that your website receives, you’re also bettering your business’s chances of being found by individuals and organizations that need its products and services. This, in turn, can help your company deepen its roots and grow in this hyper competitive commercial environment.

Every entrepreneur who understands the importance of SEO has to make a decision between doing this on their own or letting an SEO agency take care of it on behalf of their company. This may currently be your choice to make. On the one hand, passing this job to an SEO services Philippines agency will allow you to focus on the tasks that are critical to your business operations. On the other hand, however, outsourcing SEO services can add to your expenses. 

Is it worth it to let the tried-and-tested SEO professionals do the work for you? In many cases, the answer is yes. Professionally done SEO is well worth the cost as it will allow your business to enjoy the following benefits: 

It Gives You Immediate Access to a Group of Experts

SEO is a fairly new discipline, as it’s only been around for the past two or three decades. Despite this short timeframe, however, the practice has evolved and expanded quite a bit. It now takes an entire team to implement effective SEO, and to come up with a campaign that works, you need to have access to a diverse group of experts who can fully support every aspect of your SEO process. 

This roster includes content writers, designers, and web developers, among others. A wealth of talent is something that the best SEO agencies can bring to the table. By partnering with an SEO agency, you’re paying for the services of all these professionals at the cost of your monthly retainer.

  • It Enables You to Tap into Proven and Tailored SEO Strategies

Implementing effective SEO requires more than just getting an entire team to work with you. This task also needs the guidance of an SEO professional who can direct the efforts of the team and come up with a strategy that matches your business goals and timeline. 

While it’s certainly true that you can study SEO principles yourself, it takes experience and a lot of trial and error to come up with a strategy that works the way you want it to. On top of that, it’s also a must to stay on top of the trends that affect SEO practices and to understand how you can use these changes to meet your campaign targets. Seasoned SEO professionals have both the necessary experience and the ability to adapt to evolving SEO practices. These inform their decisions when they’re forming a strategy that meets your specific business goals. 

  • It Ensures the Continuity of the SEO Efforts for Your Company 

There are SEO activities, such as website audits, that only need to be done once in a while. It’s worth noting, however, that SEO is a continuous process with many moving parts and ongoing improvements. Many factors affect the success of an SEO campaign, such as your company’s search engine results, its links to other websites, the number of business inquiries your company receives, and even the SEO efforts of your competitors. It’s a must to continuously assess how your SEO efforts are affecting these aspects. 

In addition, you also have to reevaluate your steps, refine the SEO process, and make consistent improvements on all these fronts. Getting an SEO agency to routinely do all these activities for your business ensures that your small SEO successes build on top of each other. This way, even if one factor suddenly shifts down the road, you can still count on the solid foundation your SEO agency has set for your business to help you pull through.

  • It Saves Your Business Time, Money, and Manpower

It takes a whole team to design and implement SEO strategies that are specifically tailored to help you meet your business needs and goals. With an SEO agency taking care of these tasks for you, there’s no need for you to hire your own team to do the same thing. If you’re not happy with the agency’s performance, you can simply move on to your next option. It won’t be as easy to do the same with an in-house SEO specialist that is not performing up to your standards. 

SEO agencies also have every reason to keep up with the trends that impact their work. They’ll stay abreast of the latest developments in the SEO industry to keep up with the competition, and they’ll apply effective coping strategies to the campaigns that they’re running–including that of your company–completely of their own volition. This way, they can keep showing you that they’re making good progress toward the result that you’re aiming for. All you have to do to keep enjoying this benefit, on top of the agency’s eagle-eyed SEO work, is simply pay the retainer that both of you agreed to. 

Takeaway: The Importance of a Reliable SEO Services Provider

Not all SEO agencies are made the same. Just like in any industry, there are companies that perform better than others. It’s up to you to look for an SEO agency that you can depend on to deliver results that are aligned with your business goals. Once you do find that ideal SEO services provider, that company may be able to serve as your long-term partner for growing your business in the digital age. 

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What is webpage design?

The world’s first website, published in 1991, had a few paragraphs of text on a uniform background with a command line instead of links.

Since that moment, websites have come a long way. Currently, there are more than a billion web resources on the Internet, each of which consists of many visual elements. The process of creating the appearance of websites has become a whole science that includes not only designing the graphical shell but also thinking through navigation, organizing text content, and analyzing user behavior by web design & development companies. This science is called web design.

In this article, we explain in detail what is website design, why it is important, how it works, and much more.

Web design: what is it?


The definition of website design is the process of planning and organizing content intended for the Internet. The appearance of the site as well as its functionality play an important role in promoting your site and attracting and retaining potential users on your platform. Good web design should be aesthetically pleasing, easy to use, and consistent with your brand.

Why is web design so important?

If you think that web design means something secondary and not worth much attention during development, then try a simple test: think about a topic on which you need information, google it and click on the result that indicates the answers you are looking for. How long will it take you to find the information you need on this site? Is it quick and easy or difficult? Is it obvious how to navigate this site and how you can move to another section?

If you find what you are looking for quickly and easily, it means that the site design is well thought out and intuitive. This intuitiveness is the result of several features that make it easier for users to navigate while visiting the site.

Website design is important because it directly affects how long it takes a user to find what they are looking for. If it is complicated and tedious, the user will give up and try to search on another site – and this is a lost opportunity. A good design developed by a website design company, like loungelizard.com, will be easy to understand and navigate, helping potential customers find what they’re looking for while bringing you closer to closing a new deal.

What does good web design look like?


Good web design & development require compliance with the following principles:

1. Simplicity

The look and feel of the site are important. But most visitors do not come to appreciate your stylish design. They come for the information they need.

In terms of usability and UX, simplicity is your friend. And you can apply it in different ways. Here are some examples:

● Colors. Don’t use too many. The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook recommends using a maximum of five colors on a website. Let’s say – plus or minus 2 colors.

● Fonts. Choose legible fonts. Use a maximum of 3 different fonts in a maximum of three sizes.

Graphic objects. Use them only if they help the user to perform an action or perform a specific function. Do not add graphics randomly.

2. Visual hierarchy 

Visual hierarchy implies the layout and organization of site elements in such a way that visitors reach for the main elements first. This principle is closely related to the principle of simplification.

You can adjust the location, color, or size of certain elements so that the site structure itself attracts users to the necessary elements.

The whole optimization of the site comes down to bringing the user to perform the target action in the most comfortable and natural way for him.

3. Navigation 

Intuitive navigation makes visitors understand that they will find what they are looking for. The user should move around the site without thinking about where he needs to click – moving from point A to point B should be as painless as possible.

These tips will help to optimize site navigation:

● The structure of the main sections should be simple and placed closer to the top of the page.

Use a navigation chain on every page except the home page so that visitors know where they are.

● Add a search box at the top of the site so visitors can search by keywords.

Don’t offer too many sections.

Web design: what does not work?

Find out what is website design mistake:

Mistake #1. Stylish, bright, but incomprehensible and inappropriate

This mistake is often made by novice web designers who have taken online courses that did not explain the connection between web design and business. It seems to them that the task is to make it as creative and beautiful as possible. But a designer is not only someone who has great taste and a sense of beauty, but also a specialist with analytical and critical thinking who wants to help the customer to achieve the desired goal. Otherwise, it turns out like this: there are a lot of stylish websites, but only a few of them work and bring profit.

What should be done?

For the design to work, you first need to study the target audience or request this information from the client. Understand what competitors have already done, what works for them and what does not, what potential customers expect, and what design elements they will not appreciate.

Mistake #2. Poorly thought-out navigation

 This happens when a web designer does not know the basics of marketing and does not know how to think through the customer’s path, and it is important to lead the visitor through each block to make a purchase or satisfy another goal of the entrepreneur.

Mistake #3. Lack of free space

Usually under this mistake hides another – ignorance of the basics of composition. Because of this, it turns out that all the objects on the screen are supposedly the main ones and there is no central one among them. This is bad because a person does not know what exactly to look at, and what they want to convey with this design. There is a lot of information in front of the eyes and at first, you can try to disassemble it, and highlight the main thing for yourself, but how many visitors will do this?

How should it be done?

If the problem is a large amount of material and text that the customer asks to place on the site, it is worth critically evaluating it on the part of the client. Do you see that there is a lot of unnecessary information? Do not be afraid to report it and explain your point of view, even if this text was written by the best copywriter.

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Is It Still Beneficial To Hire Remote Workers for Marketing In 2022?

Remote working has slowly grown in reputation over the last ten years. It was the rapid advancement of computer technology that made working from home a reality. However, unforeseen circumstances made it a necessity in 2020. With that situation in the rear-view mirror, though, it seems that many workers are returning to the office.

Companies did find that there were several benefits to hiring remote workers during this period, but have these upsides disappeared? In marketing especially, remote working helped change the industry. People were no longer dependent on talent that may be available to them locally, they are able to expand their horizons globally. With that being said, let’s explore some of the new information about remote working to find out whether it is still a viable working option in 2022.


A common issue for businesses in the current era is cybersecurity. With almost every major company operating in the digital space, hackers can now target and steal data using tools from the web. This fact has led to a tighter grip on cybersecurity protocols in the modern office. But can these issues be solved with workers at home?

It may seem like remote workers would struggle to keep up with the current demands of cybersecurity protocols. However, having a workforce stretched far and wide has led to companies being more responsible for their data. Phishing emails are rife in the remote working community, which is why businesses have had to adapt quickly to protect their employees and company data. Many companies choose to give their staff a VPN service, a cyber security protection system that has only become popular because of the increase in remote workers. Therefore, remote working is slowly improving cybersecurity protocols.

Tracking Progress

One of the biggest drawbacks for companies in the remote working era is keeping up employee productivity. Without the motivation of being surrounded by other colleagues, or the ability to check up on employees in real-time, many businesses found that their remote staff members were not being as productive as their in-house team. However, this attitude has changed in the last number of years thanks to a specific technology.

The market saw a need for tracking technology, so it has been available to companies since the start of 2020. This tech can take screenshots of your remote worker’s computers to ensure that they are on track, and the AI within can produce graphs of employee work patterns. These methods aren’t necessary in modern times; however, they go a long way to settling the minds of business leaders that have to operate their company from a distance. If you were to hire marketers remotely, this element of the process is essential. Marketing is typically one of the most important aspects of ensuring that you are able to reach your desired audience or customers.

Employee Wellbeing

Anyone that has participated in a successful digital marketing course will understand that a business’s reputation is key to encouraging customers to use your service. This reputation is mainly forged by how you treat your customers, but it is also affected by your employee happiness.

A team of respected employees is likely to work harder for your business; however, these individuals can also help create a positive appearance for your company. Employee wellbeing is subjective to the individual, but you will find that a lot of people prefer to work from the comfort of their own homes. As such, allowing your employees the opportunity to work remotely can improve employee performance and increase your company’s reputation.

 Health Risks

Not everything is perfect in the world of remote working, however. The more people work from home, the more data can be collected about this approach to business. While you may experience some of the benefits listed above, experts have found a downside to remote working that you should be made aware of.

A recent study has revealed that almost 67% of remote workers fail to get any exercise. This includes the exercise that they would have received during their daily commute. As you can imagine, this statistic has proved that remote working can have a profound negative effect on the health of your employees. This statement is also true when looking at the mental health of employees that work in isolation. It is your job as a manager to ensure that every employee can remain productive in their new work environment, so perhaps it is wise to bring these issues to your remote worker’s attention so that they can continue to benefit from this practice without suffering the ill effects.

Rise in Freelancing

Workers will always be happier working in a field that they enjoy. Since remote working is now so prevalent, it has allowed many workers to pursue their passions in a freelance capacity. Therefore, businesses can receive better content for their company while employees remain delighted in their job roles. This where the marketing industry has seen a large boom. You can hire freelancers for specific elements in your marketing and work with them based on portfolios or previous work they may have finalised.


The idea of remote working has changed over the last decade, and it seems that the concept is here to stay, especially in the marketing industry. There are so many benefits to companies that use this approach, and the small risks can be easily mitigated with the correct management techniques. Therefore, it looks like remote working is still a viable option for businesses in 2022 and beyond.

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The Barbershop Influencer Marketing Guide

As a barbershop owner, you share the same goal with every other business out there: to make profits exponentially and become a big player in the industry. And as you might already know, your marketing strategy plays a huge role in achieving this. Speaking of which, influencer marketing is the current most powerful way to grow your brand awareness and achieve all of your marketing goals. Primarily, influencer marketing is all about paying social media celebs to promote your services. Popular product designers have been using it for years before now when saloons, barber shops, and other beauty service providers started hopping on the business trend. So, if you don’t know how to get started, read the step-by-step guide below.

STEP 1: Know Your Budget And Marketing Objectives

It may seem obvious that your marketing goal is to get your brand more popular and win more customers. But you want to be specific. Be specific about numbers and reaches and set realistic goals. Put it all into writing. Here’s an example; “I am spending $100 to generate 50 loyal customers from New York and 80 clients from Los Angeles, with each of them paying $30 per haircut”. This picture prevents the wastage of money and efforts. It also guides in the “choosing an influencer” stage explained below.

STEP 2: Find An Influencer

There are dozens of influencers out there: it’s like picking saloon furniture from IKEA. I digressed! The first step is to choose a “good” influencer: someone who posts high-quality content, has previous experience, is on target with your market/industry, and has worked with brands like you. With this in mind, head over to popular social media to create a list of 5-7 potential influencers that fit into your category. Hashtags like #sponsored and #ads will make your search easier on Instagram. Next, verify that the followers of your potential influencers are real. Often than not, when the followers on an influencer’s page are mostly commenting “very good”, “nice post” and similar short feel-good comments, those are likely bot-generated followers. Finally, make sure that your influencer has a large active following and engagement.

STEP 3: Reach Out To Them

At the end of step 2, you’ll probably wind up with a shorter list. Reach out to each influencer via messages, emails, websites, or through any medium that they’ve made available. Keep your first message short and don’t talk about money just yet. Ultimately, you want to find out if they’ve worked with a brand similar to you and disclose your interest in working with them.

STEP 4: Go Into The Details

After receiving a reply from them, it’s time to discuss how the relationship will go and how you want your campaign to work. The best platform to do this is via a video call but it’s not really a thing. Now, over the meeting, some important questions you should ask are how many videos and photos they will take for the campaign and if you’ll have copyrights to those materials for future advertisements. You should also talk about your marketing goals, what you’re offering them in return, your preferred timeline for the campaign, and any other important bit.

FINAL STEP: Launch, Study Results, And Learn

You both ought to have decided on a tracking system for the tracking of your ads’ performance. Though when using social media like Facebook and Instagram, they have a tracking system that shows important metrics and data about your ads. With such a system, you get to know the demographics of your potential clients and figure out your best and worst-performing ads. These info bits will come in handy when running other campaigns in the future.

In Conclusion

Whether improving your ROI or launching a new brand, influencer marketing is one of the most effective methods to hit your targets. But your success rate depends on doing it right. That’s why we’ve created this easy guide for people who run barbershops. You can also check this post to discover how to make your influencer marketing campaign a success during the holidays.

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Music for Influencer Videos: How to Do it Correctly

One of the most important elements of an effective video is music. Choosing the right music can make your influencer videos more engaging, entertaining, and play an important role in delivering your message to your audience. But you can’t exactly use that Macklemore track or Adele tune for your videos because the budget required to license top artists is beyond what you’ll be able to afford. 

Your best bet when it comes to obtaining music for your influencer videos is royalty free music. They offer several benefits that appeal to content creators. Continue reading to learn more about royalty free music.

What is Royalty Free Music?


Royalty free music is a type of music license that allows you to pay for a song ONCE and use the music as many times without additional payment. This is in contrast to “Rights Protected” music that requires you to make payments for additional usage of the music. 

The one-time payment of royalty free music offers a lot of convenience to many individuals and companies. It also makes royalty free music cheaper. The sound quality of royalty free music is top notch as long as you are using a reputable royalty free music provider.

By using royalty free music, your influencer videos will be free of any legal action in the future. While you do have to pay for royalty free music, it’s better than dealing with legal troubles in the future.

What Happens if You Use Copyrighted Music Without Permission?

If an artist or music label finds out you’ve been using their music without permission, one of the two things below can happen:

  1. You receive a cease and desist letter telling you to take down the video and what will happen if you refuse. 
  2. You get sued, which is rare for this type of infringement but nevertheless possible. 

If you intend to use copyrighted music without having a license for it on social media, your video might even be taken down during the upload process as big players like Youtube have robust Content ID for copyright protection. Music owners can take the following actions on Youtube videos that infringe their copyright:

  • Mute the video.
  • Runs ads in the video.  
  • Block the video worldwide or in selected countries. 
  • Prevent the video owner from monetizing the video. 

This can be problematic and even damage your channel’s revenue to zero if you aren’t careful in the music you choose. By using royalty free music, you won’t have to worry about getting three strikes and having your Youtube channel (and your hard work) deleted.

What Are the Costs of Royalty Free Music?


Royalty free music providers can offer annual or monthly subscriptions or sell individual song licenses. Subscription-based services allow you to use their entire catalog for the duration of your subscription while individual song licenses allow you to use any purchased song for as long as you want. 

Prices vary greatly when it comes to royalty free music. Subscriptions can range from $6 to $60 per month while the price of individual songs can range from $26 to over $50.

Common Uses for Royalty Free Music?

Royalty free music is popularly used for commercial uses such as advertisements, corporate video ads, and film projects. They are also used for influencer videos, school projects, infomercials, artistic performances, and so on. As long as you’ve acquired the rights to use a royalty free track, you can pretty much use it for anything. 

There are consequences to using music illegally. Royalty free music offers an affordable and legal way of including high-quality music in your videos. With the number of royalty-free songs available, the versatile content creator in you will have a blast selecting that perfect track for your videos.

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10 Reasons Why Brochure Design is Still The Best Marketing Tool

Today, most companies rely on brochures to introduce themselves and their products or service.  The brochure is an important marketing tool that can help you in presenting your business message to customers. According to a report by the “Business Marketing Association”,  98% of the people who use the internet for product information end up buying something offline.  

For businesses, creating your own brochure design has never been this crucial; brochures work best in generating leads, transforming website visitors into customers, and boosting traffic on your company’s online store.

We’ve established why print media marketing is still relevant, but how? 

Apart from the conventional benefits of having printed leaflets/brochures like they’re tangible, easily shareable, and offer credibility; we’ve listed down 10 reasons why brochure design is still the best marketing tool you should utilize for your business.

Brochures Are A Future-Proof Marketing Tool

Brochure as a printed media marketing can be considered as a future-proof marketing tool because print isn’t going away any time soon.  In fact, according to NAPL’s 2011 Census of Print Publications, at least 1 billion book titles and 726 million newspapers were sold in the US alone which shows that print isn’t something we can neglect despite the rise of digital technology.

The average lifespan of a printed piece is about 2 years, meaning that businesses or organizations would need to constantly update their content or order new leaflets/brochures once the previous stock is out.  However, the same cannot be said for websites and social media which can be updated anytime at a minimal cost.

For this reason alone, brochures are still preferable over websites and other digital forms of marketing because customers won’t lose interest in your business if you keep on updating or refreshing your content.

Company Brochure Designs Are Easily Shareable

As mentioned in the beginning, brochures are best in generating leads, turning website visitors into customers, and boosting traffic on your company’s online store.  No matter how you put it, brochures will always be something worth passing around because they’re easily shareable with friends, colleagues, and family members by either mailing them or uploading images to social media sites.

Printed leaflets/brochures don’t need an internet connection or password just to view their contents which makes printed marketing materials more accessible than digital forms of promotions.  

Brochures don’t require batteries; no software installation is required; everything is provided ‘as is’ when given to your friend who will appreciate having something tangible to pass around without having to worry about batteries, charging, or technical problems.


A Brochure Layout Are Personalized Marketing Tools

Since there are several types of brochure printing services available online today, you’re probably wondering how does it affect your marketing?

Aside from an increase in brand awareness; companies are also using brochures as personalized marketing tools because they can be customized based on the target audience’s needs and preferences.  This tactic is best used for B2B companies who need to convince potential clients by presenting their key benefits via printed material.

The average cost of customizing a brochure ranges between $250-$500 which is not bad considering that it can help boost interaction with existing customers while attracting new ones at the same time.  

Printed leaflets/brochures can be personalized based on their target audience by choosing a free design template and inserting the company’s logo, contact number, and website address to further promote its brand identity.


Leaflet Design Improves Communication Effectiveness

Another reason why brochures are still relevant in business marketing is that they can improve communication effectiveness between companies and customers because printed pieces offer an idea of what to expect when actually visiting the store or opening their doors for sales.  

Brochures also make a good reference guide for customers who can use it while shopping which helps them decide faster whether a product is worth buying or not without having to visit the mall again.

Aside from making an impression about your company’s professionalism, brochures are also the best way to introduce employees who would be greeting customers at the store.  

Customers will feel safer knowing their concerns will be heard and accordingly addressed by people who are knowledgeable about the product they’re selling because it is much better than receiving random answers from someone pretending to know about your problems.


Brochure Design Increases User Experience

An increase in user experience is another benefit of using brochures as marketing tools for generating leads or capturing website visitors into email subscribers.  Brochures are often used to showcase products that are available in stores whether online or offline which consequently improves customer experience because it helps them decide faster if a given item is worth buying or not.  

Need to get your hands on some kick-ass brochure templates? Then do yourself a favor and go to Venngage, the hottest brochure maker app, and easily make your very own design now!

Brochures Are Perfect For First-Time Customers

Printed leaflets/brochures are one of the best lead generation tools for first-time customers which are often used as a personalized marketing tool to introduce them to your company’s products without having to personally attend or speak with them.  Since brochures are filled with useful information, they would feel more connected to your brand and will be more likely to become loyal customers after their first purchase.

Compared with other digital ads which only reach certain demographics, printed material offers more advantages.  Brochures can reach everyone regardless of age or geographical location because it has an infinite range of coverage potential which ultimately increases the chances of generating leads for your company.


There you have it, the biggest reasons why brochure design is still one of the best marketing tools for you to use. What are you waiting for? Start designing now!

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5 Benefits Influencer Marketing Can Offer to Your Business

Today’s marketing landscape is highly varied and full of options. Companies and businesses are straining to keep up with trends and figure out what marketing investments actually move the needle. Sometimes they succeed, but many times they waste precious time, energy, and resources. 

There’s a better way: the rise of influencer marketing has made available a highly profitable marketing strategy that, when done right, can significantly change the way your business finds and connects with its audience.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing” refers to enlisting influencers, individuals who have curated a social media following within a particular niche or interest commonality, to market your brand or product(s).

The Benefits of Working with Influencers to Market Your Business

Including influencer marketing in your business’s marketing mix can be a lucrative strategy for optimizing your marketing efforts. Influencer marketing has been shown to create several strong advantages for companies that do it well:

  • Influencer marketing boasts a strong return on investment. Studies and figures estimate that influencer marketing can yield a return of $5 or more for every dollar spent. This figure also has the potential to be increased substantially because unlike other forms of marketing, influencers often accept compensation in the form of product discounts, samples, and reciprocal promotion outside of monetary compensation.
  • Influencer marketing can yield higher quality leads and customers than other marketing channels. This is thanks to the deep, cultivated relationships influencers develop with their audiences that make consumers more likely to readily accept and engage with brands or products influencers recommend. This can lower customer acquisition cost, shorten onboarding time and resources, or increase revenue per customer when using influencer marketing to source leads.
  • Influencer marketing garners significantly higher social media engagement than in-house social media content. Social media engagement makes up a significant portion of average consumers’ time and influence, especially in younger audiences. Because influencers are experts in social media engagement, using influencer marketing can help your business thrive in this playing field much more quickly and efficiently than trying to develop your social media marketing game in-house.
  • Influencer marketing can help you broadcast data-driven stories. Using data to tell a story or share a compelling message is vital to many marketing efforts. Doing this well requires creativity, narrative mastery, and aesthetic appeal. Influencers work in these currencies already, and rely on their talent for storytelling and creating compelling content to be successful. This makes influencers a huge asset when crafting a campaign – especially one that relies on data or using data points to convey a message.
  • Influencer marketing can keep your company in front of trends. Engaging in influencer marketing requires engaging with the trends influencing your markets. Influencers can provide a huge asset for your company or business because they expose you to the heart of emerging trends. Engaging influencers to market your brand gets your company closer to the epicenter of your market and can also provide critical insight into what trends may emerge in the near future.

Tips for Getting Started

If your business or company is interested in employing influencer marketing, here are a few tips for how to move forward:

Look at Existing Influencer Campaigns in Your Vertical or Industry 

Take a look at what your competitors are doing. Look at best practice for similar verticals. Gain an understanding of what’s already being done and how your company might either emulate or improve on current trends.

Identify the Market or Market Segments You’d Like to Reach 

Influencer marketing can be hugely varied but tends to center on particular demographics more strongly than others. It’s important to define the possible ages, geographic locations, gender(s), interests, and other identifying features of markets you’d like to reach. Make sure the influencers you might engage have active audiences that match the needs of your business.

Gather and Then Refine a List of Potential Influencers 

Do your research and prospect a wish list of promising influencers whose content, storytelling, and personality might fit well with your brand, before making contact. This will help you craft your pitch and have a better idea of what your business needs are so that you and any influencers you speak with can more quickly gauge a good fit.

Create a Clear Project and Proposal 

Working with influencers should be navigated intelligently and strategically just like any other type of marketing. Thinking through your objectives, assets, timeline, strategy, and deliverables will make the experience much easier and more profitable for everyone involved when you decide to engage an influencer to help you with your marketing.

Test First 

Not sure if influencer marketing is a good fit? Unlike some more traditional forms of advertising, influencer marketing can be tested and tweaked using modest resources and can provide a low-threshold alternative to other marketing channels that make it easily accessible for a range of business types.

Whatever your business’s size, needs, or industry, influencer marketing could prove a highly lucrative marketing strategy and create significant gains and growth if done right. Now is the time to explore what difference influencer marketing might make for you.

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How To Become An Influencer In 2021

Are you wondering how to become an influencer in 2021? If yes, then you are not alone. With the growing popularity of social media platforms, more people are starting to realize the importance of becoming an influencer. 

Without any doubt, social media influencers are in high demand and popular these days. People follow them, brands want to collaborate with them, and they become a known face in no time.

Are you wondering what influencers are? An influencer is someone who has millions of followers on social media and whose recommendations are followed by brands or individuals. Further, influencers can be skilled individuals, groups of industry leaders, travelers, sportspeople, and other professionals.

There is also an increase in influencer marketing as it gives marketers direct access to an influencer’s loyal fan base. Following these tips will help you become an influencer in 2021 and beyond.

Find Out Your Niche

The first step is to identify the niche as it is an essential part of your journey as an influencer in 2021. The niche should be something that allows you to showcase your skills and help you grow them further.

When deciding on to become an influencer, you have the following categories to choose from:

·  Travel

·  Health

·  Fashion

·  Gaming

·  Food

·  Lifestyle

·  Phone reviews

·  Market reviews

·  Entertainment

·  Tech and more.

But you don’t need to limit yourself to one niche, according to your interest and skills, you can combine two or more niches. You can even turn your hobby into an influencer, which you can read more about here: https://keepface.com.

Choose Your Platform

Now, the next step is to decide or pick the platform to cover your niche on social networks. There are Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and many more platforms that you can use to become an influencer with your niche.

If you desire to create videos of travel or any other niche, then YouTube or Instagram is the best option. On the other hand, for blogs and content in a niche, LinkedIn is the best choice.  

 Media like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are especially successful for fashion, lifestyle, travel, and beauty. The key here is to choose a format or social media network according to your niche. Also, you should get a domain name for your channel or blog. You can check premium names from trusted sites like https://domainify.com/.

Create High-Quality Content

Keep in mind that the “content is king.” High-quality content is really important to become a successful influencer. So, think about how you can create good content that is related to your niche.

Make sure you will need to offer value to your audience through the content so that people feel connected with you and wait for your next content piece. You will get attention only if you offer what the audience wants.

Be Authentic and Consistent

People can follow you or see you only if you are consistent with your work as an influencer. No one likes a person who is not authentic and consistent. Your followers will unsubscribe you or forget you over time if you fail to regularly offer them good content.

Majority of the audience of influencers follows them because they put so much effort to be the best version of themselves. Moreover, they always brace themselves to meet the expectations of their followers. Being honest and authentic is somehow part of the game. Because once they get caught while cheating or double-dealing you will fall from grace overnight.

Listen to your viewers

Another best way to become a perfect influencer is to offer what your audience wants. For this, you can search your niche on Google and find what kind of content people like. After this, determine the long-tail keywords used by your audience and create content similar to them. You can also make use of social media platforms to understand the taste of your audience.

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How Marketing Can Respond to the COVID-19 Crisis

Life has changed considerably over the last several weeks. Many of us are under stay-at-home orders and there are policies that are preventing us from going about our lives as usual. The impact on business has been dramatic, and professionals in the field, especially those at a digital marketing agency, are wondering how they can respond.

On one front, marketing professionals have been working from home so the functions of marketing can continue when they can’t go to the office. While this has been helpful, there is a recognition that the business landscape has changed and marketing departments will have to adjust. Plans that were on track a few months ago may no longer be relevant, so many of us will need to look into coronavirus resources for businesses and find ways to adapt to the new reality. 

Marketers are going to play a vital role in helping businesses adapt during the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses may need to make a shift in the types of products they sell or they might need to change their messaging to reach customers or clients in a way that is more likely to resonate in light of the new reality.

The following are a few of the steps and strategies for marketers and business leaders who are trying to figure out what they can do to respond to the coronavirus outbreak.

Keep Your Clients and Customers Up to Date

Whether you are a business selling products, a B2B service provider or a marketing professional, you have to stay in close contact with your customers and clients at this time. Along with that, you have to acknowledge the current circumstances. If you try to carry on like things are normal, you are going to seem out of touch and unprepared.

Let them know what you are doing to respond to the crisis and assure them that you can still meet their needs. Make sure they know you can develop plans to help their businesses during this difficult time. 

You should also stay in touch so you can learn about the challenges they are facing. Ask them about what they need from you and what you can do to better support their mission. 

This contact can be in the form of phone calls or through email, but you should also make sure to keep people informed by posting on social media and by releasing information on your website. 

Assess Your Market Position 

It is actually a great time to reassess and adjust your market position. People are staying at home and using the internet more than they normally would, so this offers the perfect opportunity to get new messaging out there. 

Start by looking at your ideal customer. Is it the same person it was a few months ago or last year? Consider how your product or service is going to benefit your customers and think of ways to demonstrate the benefits. With an understanding of who your customer is and how they can benefit from your product or service, you can create messaging that will resonate and inspire action.

Once you know your ideal customer and the value proposition you are offering, you should consider your market positioning strategy. Do you want to be a cost leader by offering the most competitive prices on the market? Maybe you want to differentiate your brand and target a segment of the market. You could also consider combining these two positioning strategies together.

Adjust Your Marketing Strategy

Now that you have established an ideal customer and you know how you want to position your brand, you can start developing a marketing strategy to meet your goals. 

Take a look at the audience you are pitching to. What is their age group? Are you selling primarily to men or women? Are you selling to businesses or consumers? Does your ideal customer fit into a specific income range? What are their interests? 

The list of questions could go on. The more specific you get, the easier it will be to target the right customers with the right messaging. It will also help you select the right marketing strategy and the marketing channels that will be most effective when trying to reach the customers you want to reach.

Prepare for the Future

Finally, this is a good time to prepare your marketing strategy for the “what ifs”. Most of us did not see the coronavirus coming, and that left us scrambling to react without much of a plan. Now is the time to try to forecast what may happen, run some tests and make plans for different possible outcomes.

Look at different timelines for the economy in your area reopening. Consider the possibility that some of these timelines might change and try to project what the impact will be on your business for different scenarios. Maybe run some market research and try to project the numbers for things like expenses and revenues. Think about how your marketing strategy will need to change to respond to different outcomes and the messaging you will need to have ready for these events.

Marketing won’t be able to solve every problem that businesses experience as the result of the coronavirus, but it should play an important part in the response. By reviewing your marketing strategy and making the necessary adjustments, you can keep your business in the minds of customers and reassure them that you can continue to meet their needs.

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