This is particularly true for small companies with limited budgets. Influencers can take big online game makers’ sales to the next level and help start-ups and indie games gain a foothold in the industry at a modest cost.
Before we discuss how to use influencers to increase high-quality traffic to your game, and achieve other goals you have, let’s look at what self-quarantining during the virus has already been doing for the industry.

As good as these achievements were, online game makers and retailers could grab even more business by persuading current users to do more gaming and non-gamers to try their hand at it. And a key way to pull this off would be partnering with influencers.
After you decide on traffic goals, choose the right social media platform for your campaign. YouTube and Twitch are the most popular for gamers, but depending on your strategy and the audience you want to reach, you might want to try something else — like Instagram, Twitter, or Tik-Tok.
There are a lot of micro-influencers out there. You need to identify those that are the best fit for you.
Start with vetting them on social media. Identify those who have high audience engagement levels and the ability to persuade their followers. Target untapped niche segments like intellectual youngsters, working women, or “experienced” fathers. ?
This means you need to find influencers who can appeal to different audiences.
Remember: A potential influencer’s gaming experience is the last thing you need to worry about. ?

#2 Launch an initial campaign
A good strategy for pitching to a lot of influencers at the same time is to join Facebook groups that many are members of and float your proposals there. You will be surprised at how many micro-influencers will bite. Connect with them and you will suddenly enhance your influencers pool.

Give them the content you want to be posted and ask them to do something simple in the first campaign, reward those whose posts performed well.
#3 Measure and optimize your success
Give different download links to each influencer and compare the number of viewers, traffic, and the number of downloads that each generates. Use Adjust to gauge the performance of traffic coming from each influencer.
Limit the time you devote to researching a campaign’s results. Start with one or two measurements, and add or subtract barometers as you need. Your goal should be to optimize campaigns one at a time, with particular focus on those that generate a higher return on investment.
If you are short on time and resources but still want to try influencer marketing, consider getting pre-built influencer campaign modules that you can launch immediately.
We’re here to help
Want to learn more about how to get started promoting your game via influencers? Check our limited ready-to-start campaign packages for gaming companies.
More than 2,500 clients are using the Keepface platform, working with 30,000 influencers we’ve lined up. We’d love to help you take your success to another level during this global digital transformation period.
AboutEmin Valiyev
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